Phone Consult | 45min
$110.00 AUD
This package offers you the chance to have an in-depth conversation around any issues or concerns you are currently having with your little one’s sleep. Prior to our conversation, I will send you a link to a comprehensive questionnaire. The information gathered from the series of questions will allow me to better prepare and support you during our time together on the phone. I will respond to your questions and give advice on where I think you can make some adjustments, implement a new strategy or simply make some changes to the current sleep environment. Verbal nap scheduled will be discussed.
This is a single phone consult and does not include a tailored sleep plan or follow up support.
1 Hour Phone Consult
+ 2 Week Support
$520.00 AUD
This package is for parents who require more support than a basic phone consultation. Prior to our conversation, I will send you a link to a comprehensive questionnaire. The information gathered from the series of questions will allow me to better prepare and support you during our time together on the phone. We will have the opportunity to discuss your little one’s sleep pattern, current sleep routine / schedule and discuss a plan moving forward to help your little one sleep soundly.
What’s included:
Access to LB Private Facebook Group
Sleep assessment outlining our discussions over the 2wks support period in relation to settling technique, age appropriate routine, plan moving forward, and recommended learnings
Follow up support on a Monday and Thursday via phone or Voxer– (9.30am – 5pm) for 2 weeks
1 follow up email to be used within 6 weeks of your consultation
Email Consultation
Currently not available .
Email Consultation is a perfect fit for families who have established good sleep habits with their child and confident in implementing change. Perhaps you are wondering if your baby’s naps are age appropriate? Maybe you would like more information on nap transitioning or early rising? Sleep regression support ? Is catnapping an issue?
What’s included:
The email consultation will address ONE specific challenge. I will reply within 3 days and provide you with strategies and recommendations to help guide you through the challenge
Information around various gentle settling techniques that will support attachment and responsive settling
Age appropriate awake time and nap durations to set your baby up for success